Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What Happens During My First Visit?
During your first visit you can expect the following:
- Arrive at your appointment with your paperwork completed (you can download it from our website – see the paperwork or forms link by clicking this).
- You will provide us with your referral for physical therapy if you have one. If you don’t have a referral, let us know when you schedule your first visit with us (note – a referral is not always needed).
- We will copy your insurance card.
- You will be seen for the initial evaluation by the therapist.
- The therapist will discuss the following:
- Your medical history.
- Your current problems/complaints.
- Pain intensity, what aggravates and eases the problem.
- How this is impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations.
- Your goals with physical therapy.
- Medications, tests, and procedures that were related to your health.
- The therapist will then perform the objective evaluation which may include some of the following:
- Palpation – touching around the area of the pain/problem. This is done to check for the presence of tenderness, swelling, soft tissue integrity, tissue temperature, inflammation, etc.
- Range of Motion (ROM) – the therapist will move the joint(s) to check for the quality of movement and any restrictions.
- Muscle Testing – the therapist may check for strength and the quality of the muscle contraction. Pain and weakness may be noted. Often the muscle strength is graded. This is also part of a neurological screening.
- Neurological Screening – the therapist may check to see how the nerves are communicating with the muscles, sensing touch, pain, vibration, or temperature. Reflexes may be assessed as well.
- Special Tests – the therapist may perform special tests to confirm/rule out the presence of additional problems.
- Posture Assessment – the positions of joints relative to ideal and each other may be assessed.
The therapist will then formulate a list of problems you are having, and how to treat those problems. A plan is subsequently developed with the patient’s input. This includes how many times you should see the therapist per week, how many weeks you will need therapy, home programs, patient education, short-term/long-term goals, and what is expected after discharge from therapy. This plan is created with input from you, your therapist, and your doctor.
What Do I Need To Bring With Me?
Make sure you bring your physical therapy referral (provided to you by your doctor) and your payment information. If your insurance is covering the cost of physical therapy, bring your insurance card. If you are covered by Workers’ Compensation, bring your claim number and your case manager’s contact information. If you are covered by auto insurance or an attorney lien, make sure you bring this information.
How Should I Dress?
You should wear loose fitting clothing so you can expose the area that we will be evaluating and treating. For example, if you have a knee problem, it is best to wear shorts. For a shoulder problem, a tank top is a good choice, and for low back problems, wear a loose fitting shirt and pants, again so we can perform a thorough examination.
Can I Choose Where I Want To Go For Physical Therapy?
YES!! you can choose wherever you want to go for physical therapy services, most instances no referral is needed. It is considered unethical if anyone forces you to go to their own such as orthopedic surgeons or if they don’t give you options to choose where you want to go.
How Long Will Each Treatment Last?
Treatment sessions typically last 60 minutes per visit.
How Many Visits Will I Need?
This is highly variable. You may need one visit or you may need months of care. It depends on your diagnosis, the severity of your impairments, your past medical history, etc. You will be re-evaluated on a monthly basis and when you see your doctor, we will provide you with a progress report with our recommendations.
Why Is Physical Therapy A Good Choice?
More than half of all Americans are suffering from pain. Whether it is a recent episode or chronic, an ABC News/Stanford study revealed that pain in America is a serious problem. However, many do not even know that physical therapists are well equipped to not only treat pain but also its source.
Physical therapists are experts at treating movement and neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. Pain often accompanies a movement disorder, and physical therapists can help correct the disorder and relieve the pain.
Why Should I Choose A Private Practice Physical Therapist?
Who is better to see, a PT that works for a physician or a PT that owns a private practice? We leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions but here are some facts.
The studies indicate there were more treatments (visits per patient were 39% to 45% higher in physician owned clinics) and the cost was greater for those patients that attended a physician-owned physical therapy practice (both gross and net revenue per patient were 30% to 40% higher). We believe our 1:1 private practice also leads to better direct care.
1. Another study indicated that licensed and non-licensed therapy providers spent less time with each patient in physician owned clinics and physical therapy assistants were substituted for physical therapists.
2. Another older study concluded that “Therapists who had treated patients through direct access were significantly more likely to believe that direct access had benefited them professionally and benefited their patients than were therapists who had not practiced through direct access.”
3. We believe that we can provide you with the highest quality of care available and do it in a cost-effective manner.4 You will work closely with your physical therapist and in most instances, your case will be managed by the same physical therapist from the beginning to the end of your experience with us.
- Mitchell, J., Scott, E., Physician Ownership of Physical Therapy Services: Effects on Charges, Utilization, Profits, and Service Characteristics, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992.
- “Joint Ventures Among Health Care Providers in Florida,” State of Florida Health Care Cost Containment Board, 1991.
- Domholdt E, Durchholz AG. Direct access use by experienced therapists in states with direct access. Phys Ther. 1992 Aug;72(8):569-74.
Who Will See Me?
You will be evaluated by one of our licensed and highly trained doctors of physical therapy and he/she will also treat you during subsequent visits. Unlike some clinics, where you see someone different each visit, we feel it is very important to develop a one-on-one relationship with you to maintain continuity of care. Since only one physical therapist knows your problems best, he/she is the one that will be working closely with you to speed your recovery.
Will my insurance cover the Treatment?
You will be evaluated by one of our licensed and highly trained doctors of physical therapy and he/she will also treat you during subsequent visits. Unlike some clinics, where you see someone different each visit, we feel it is very important to develop a one-on-one relationship with you to maintain continuity of care. Since only one physical therapist knows your problems best, he/she is the one that will be working closely with you to speed your recovery.
When should I see a Physical Therapist?
Seek a physical therapist if you are experiencing pain, immobility, muscle stiffness or tightness. Our physical therapists are trained Doctors in Physicaly Therapy to help you regain mobility, flexibility and reduce your pain, avoid surgery if necessary and support your daily routine. We see patients with acute or chronic pain and help develop a treatment plan to improve your physical fitness and wellness.
Online eVisits – Physical Therapy Telehealth
How Do I Register For An Online Visit?
Online Physical Therapy Visits Are A Simple Process:
- First, fill out a form for a visit here.
- An individual from the MyoFit Clinic Team will connect with you regarding items to start your visit.
- We’ll collect some information.
- Book a time online for a visit with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy.
- 10 minutes prior to your visit you’ll test your system to ensure everything is set to go!
What Happens During My First Visit?
During your first visit you can expect the following:
- Arrive at your appointment with your paperwork completed (you can download it from our website – see the paperwork or forms link by clicking this).
- You will provide us with your referral for physical therapy if you have one. If you don’t have a referral, let us know when you schedule your first visit with us (note – a referral is not always needed).
- We will copy your insurance card.
- You will be seen for the initial evaluation by the therapist.
- The therapist will discuss the following:
- Your medical history.
- Your current problems/complaints.
- Pain intensity, what aggravates and eases the problem.
- How this is impacting your daily activities or your functional limitations.
- Your goals with physical therapy.
- Medications, tests, and procedures that were related to your health.
- The therapist will then perform the objective evaluation which may include some of the following:
- Palpation – touching around the area of the pain/problem. This is done to check for the presence of tenderness, swelling, soft tissue integrity, tissue temperature, inflammation, etc.
- Range of Motion (ROM) – the therapist will move the joint(s) to check for the quality of movement and any restrictions.
- Muscle Testing – the therapist may check for strength and the quality of the muscle contraction. Pain and weakness may be noted. Often the muscle strength is graded. This is also part of a neurological screening.
- Neurological Screening – the therapist may check to see how the nerves are communicating with the muscles, sensing touch, pain, vibration, or temperature. Reflexes may be assessed as well.
- Special Tests – the therapist may perform special tests to confirm/rule out the presence of additional problems.
- Posture Assessment – the positions of joints relative to ideal and each other may be assessed.
The therapist will then formulate a list of problems you are having, and how to treat those problems. A plan is subsequently developed with the patient’s input. This includes how many times you should see the therapist per week, how many weeks you will need therapy, home programs, patient education, short-term/long-term goals, and what is expected after discharge from therapy. This plan is created with input from you, your therapist, and your doctor.
About Our Services
One on One Physical Therapy Solutions
MyoFit Clinic provides one-on-one physical therapy solutions by a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy or by a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in a brand new state of the art clinic in Chardon and Middlefield, Ohio in Geauga County! All of our Physical Therapy solutions and treatments are covered up to 100% through most if not all medical insurances including Medicare and Medicaid!
Our staff will provide benefit verification for you from your insurance so you will know exactly what is covered and how much you will be responsible for. No hidden costs or charges!
MyoFit Clinic is in network with all major commercial insurances including Anthem BCBS, Aetna, Medical Mutual, Humana, Molina, Paramount, Caresource, Medicaid, Medicare, Cigna, AARP, United Healthcare, Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation and Tricare.
Pain Management: Eliminate Pain Symptoms & Reduce Risk for Recurrences
Pain Management services at MyoFit Clinic are tailored to eliminate pain symptoms and reduce risk for recurrences. Pain management services are ideal for people that have not responded to traditional medical interventions, such as oral medications and injections. We have great success treating physical pains related to years of hard labor, overuse injuries and joint pain.
Whether your pain is acute or chronic, our Doctors of Physical Therapy will create a custom treatment program, utilizing state of the art treatment techniques and manual hands on skills, in order to get you feeling well.
Our physical therapists evaluate the causes, irritants and persistence of your pain symptoms. We determine how your medical status, environment and physical health may contribute to your pain. Once evaluated, we can create a plan for correction. We go beyond traditional ice and heat therapies, utilizing evidence based, modern treatment techniques
MyoFit Clinic makes house calls and onsite visits!
MyoFit Clinic has the ability to provide private one-on-one in home outpatient physical therapy services to members of the community who are challenged with leaving their home or have a injury that prevents them from leaving home. We are able to provide the exact same physical therapy, non-medicinal pain management and wellness services that are offered at our clinic but in your home! We bring the clinic to you!
Trigger Point Dry Needling
Trigger point dry needling involves inserting needles into myofascial trigger points within muscles and soft tissues. Trigger points are hypersensitive, painful areas within the soft tissue that surrounds muscle. They are associated with taut bands of muscle fibers and can be felt by a skilled clinician. Frequently, trigger points are painful to touch and typically refer pain to other parts of the body. Treatment focuses to reduce and eliminate the trigger point so that the fascia and muscle length can be restored, for proper movement and range of motion. Dry needling is effective for resolution of inflammation, tendonitis, adhesions, edema and chronic pain.
Pediatric services we offer at MyoFit Clinic
Our dedicated, enthusiastic team nearby physical therapist is committed to helping your child succeed to the best of his or her ability. Our occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists, many of whom have advanced training and certifications, are experts in pediatric rehabilitation. We use the most up-to-date tests and measures to help your child develop, improve, or regain skills.
Our therapists are trained to evaluate and care for children of all ages and at all levels of need. We offer therapy services at our conveniently located clinics in Chardon, Ashtabula, Middlefield and even in your own home privately. And with more outpatient pediatric therapy locations than any other health system, it’s easier than ever for your child to get the customized pediatric therapy he or she needs.