Practical advice for individuals with joint pain and back pain who don’t know where to start first for help. We will tell you though, Physical Therapy first is the way to go! Especially if you are looking to avoid surgery!
#JointPain #BackPain #FootPain #KneePain #HipPain #ShoulderPain #NeckPain #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapyassistant #physicaltherapylife #physicalwellness #physicalhealth #moving #movingforward #bestlife #movement #moveit #movementtherapy #PhysicalTherapyFirst
#Pain #AvoidSurgery #NoReferralNeeded
For more information on how our amazing Doctors of Physical Therapy and Assistants can support you reach out to the bio @myofitclinic. One of 3 convenient locations is Ashtabula, Middlefield, and Chardon Ohio. Let us know below in the comment section what you’d like to know more about!!
🥋State of the art Physical Therapy
🛑Stop Pain NOW
⏩Moving Forward, since 2014
3️⃣Clinic Locations 📍
🏥Chardon Middlefield Ashtabula
🦃Thankful For You!